Creative Soul Journeys® August Newsletter
Dear People Greetings from the abundant nature in Italy, a delight to the senses. Yesterday was the ancient festival of Lammas, connected to the Celtic honouring of the first loaf

Creative Soul Journeys® July Newsletter
July Greetings A glorious abundance of summer sun and flowers have created Midsummer magic recently and I had the pleasure of seeing Mid Summer Nights Dream in a beautiful outdoor

Creative Soul Journeys® June Newsletter
“Flaming June” by Fredrick Lord Leighton a Pre-Raphaelite painter. Welcome To My June Newsletter Summer is arriving, and with it the abundance of flowers and foliage in nature. I love

Creative Soul Journeys® May Newsletter
Creative Soul Journeys® Day Immersion RetreatDiscover the Goddess in You‘Opening and Blossoming to Life’Take time Now to Appreciate Your Body and SoulSaturday May 11th 10.00am -5.00pm Creative Soul Journeys® Day

Creative Soul Journeys® April Newsletter
Easter Greetings “Love Is Come Again, Like The Wheat ThatSpringeth Green”… These words from the Easter carol give an image of the life process of the wheat in Spring, and

Creative Soul Journeys® March Newsletter
Spring is coming! Do you need a Spring clean? Maybe your house and belongings, maybe your energy, maybeyourbeliefs,yourbodyandyoursoul? When our system gets sluggish, it is a sign we are