Dear People
Greetings from the abundant nature in Italy, a delight to the senses. Yesterday was the ancient festival of Lammas, connected to the Celtic honouring of the first loaf harvest; it was an expression of the harvest goddess Demeter in all her glory. It falls on the mid point between summer solstice and autumn equinox. Although no longer celebrated, what it represents is evident all around me in the fruits, vegetables, nuts, fields of grain, and vines all of which are ripening and giving, so that we may benefit by them. The local bakery window is full of harvest loaves with a figure of the goddess.
I am staying at a gloriously, beautiful place where I held my retreats in previous years. It fills me up with ideas, pleasure and the ability to connect to my deeper inner voice, without it getting swamped in the day to day busyness of life.
That is why I wish to share retreats and workshops with YOU! Attending retreats gives a chance to connect into yourself, experience a neglected or unseen part and rejuvenate energy and life. In modern life we need this desperately, in order to lead a life true to our soul and spirits yearning and intention. Cycles of nature are a great reminder of the cyclic nature of our soul and creative life. Seed, germinating bud, blossoming, fruiting, shedding and resting all play their part.
This month find a moment to look at nature closely, and look at your own current life, where are you on the cycle? September is a good time to reset but for now in August, just let things be!
Maybe you will be ready to take time out for yourself at one of my next retreats or workshops… I will share more information in the next newsletter about the November weekend retreat with prices. Please get in touch if you are interested in attending.
For now I send warm greetings,

My next offering will be a half day workshop with a change of date, now September 14th on the Female Goddess Archetypes.
Then I will be offering a weekend Retreat on November 9-10th
“Returning Home to Yourself” and I will offer wisdom and content from the deeply rich book Woman Who Run With The Wolves and combining VitalDanza® and artistic processes for profound transformation.
If you would like to experience a bespoke one to one Creative Soul Journey Retreat either online or in person with me, please get in touch by clicking below.
I am offering a half price introductory Creative Soul Journey Therapy session in September, please message me about it.
The Joyous Goddess Within
Online Zoom Workshop September 14th 10-1pm

Enjoy a creative, nurturing morning, where you will learn how female goddess archetypes can support us to appreciate ourselves, our relationships and can help guide us with life choices.
Enjoy experiencing the different goddess energies through movement, art and other juicy activities! Using six principle goddesses of Greek mythology, each of whom embody particular qualities, we will experience the reality of these characters in our personality.
We will naturally be drawn to some rather than others and yet we may need a particular goddess quality to create balance in our life or to make changes.
We will benefit from the wisdom that each goddess offers us. We will gain clarity about choices and decisions for current dilemmas, for work, relationships and personal life and for our health and vitality.
This workshop can also be delivered on a 1:1 basis

Autumn 2024 Retreat
“Returning Home to Yourself”
November 9th-10th
Mountfield, 63 The Drive, Tonbridge, Kent, TN92LS
More information coming next month!
Warm wishes