Creative Soul Journeys® July Newsletter

creative soul journeys july

July Greetings

A glorious abundance of summer sun and flowers have created Midsummer magic recently and I had the pleasure of seeing Mid Summer Nights Dream in a beautiful outdoor venue as the twilight descended and fairy lights lit up the natural stage under the trees. A Midsummer treat!

What a special time of year it is with the full force and abundance of nature blossoming all around us and so many flowers blooming their beauty into the world.
Gorgeous scented lavender and roses now adorn gardens and parks and are always a colourful delight in Summer. Lavender is such a popular flower for its perfumed essential oil and medicinal qualities; calming and sleep enhancing. It can be a lovely thing to pick it and make bunches or put the heads in little sachet bags to keep in your bed. Roses can make lovely scented water to sprinkle on your face or decorate on strawberry desserts!
What beauty in nature! See where you can find colour and beauty in your surroundings and enjoy taking in these soul enriching delights!


Soon we will see the wheat
ripening ready to harvest next
month when the spirit of Demeter
is present in nature.
I will be taking a summer break
from workshops and retreats to
enjoy the summer sun and fun!


My next offering will be a half day workshop on September 7th on the Female Goddess Archetypes.

Then I will be offering a weekend Retreat on November 9-10th
“Returning Home to Yourself” and I will offer wisdom and content from the deeply rich book Woman Who Run With The Wolves and combining VitalDanza® and artistic processes for profound transformation.

If you would like to experience a bespoke one to one Creative Soul Journey Retreat either online or in person with me, please get in touch by clicking below. 
I am offering a half price introductory Creative Soul Journey Therapy session in September, please message me about it.

The Joyous Goddess Within

Online Zoom Workshop July 6th 


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Enjoy a creative, nurturing morning, where you will learn how female goddess archetypes can support us to appreciate ourselves, our relationships and can help guide us with life choices.

Enjoy experiencing the different goddess energies through movement, art and other juicy activities! Using six principle goddesses of Greek mythology, each of whom embody particular qualities, we will experience the reality of these characters in our personality.

We will naturally be drawn to some rather than others and yet we may need a particular goddess quality to create balance in our life or to make changes.

We will benefit from the wisdom that each goddess offers us. We will gain clarity about choices and decisions for current dilemmas, for work, relationships and personal life and for our health and vitality.

This workshop can also be delivered on a 1:1 basis


Autumn 2024 Retreat
“Returning Home to Yourself”

November 9th-10th
Mountfield, 63 The Drive, Tonbridge, Kent, TN92LS

More information coming next month!

Warm wishes

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