Easter Greetings
“Love Is Come Again, Like The Wheat That
Springeth Green”…
These words from the Easter carol give an image of the life process of the wheat in Spring, and the renewal of life and regeneration through the sacrifice at Easter and transformation to resurrection. The cycles of nature, and the journey in our inner soul life are a recurrent theme of my work, of the Myth of Persephone (Hymn to Demeter) and the Life/Death/Life cycle described in
hero journeys, and all cultures myths.

How will we take up this inner journey of transformation and renewal? My
workshops endeavour to support this process and you can read more about my
next Retreat below.
With this new feeling of Spring in the air and the green shoots unfolding, I wish
you all blessings for renewed energy; with new shoots of life being cultivated in
your heart, and shared out into the world for the benefit of all.
Best wishes and thank you!
A fulfilling Day Retreat for YOU!
Saturday May 11th
Day Retreat Opening and Blossoming to Life: Beltane Celebration
Discover the Goddess in You
Take time Now to Appreciate Your Body and Soul
For the next two weeks I will be offering the May day Retreat for half price!
Original Price:
Early bird £175 now £90
Concession, low income £155, now £80
General price £195 now £100
Book via hello@creativesouljourneys.co.uk

Creative Soul Journeys® Day Immersion Retreat
Discover the Goddess in You
‘Opening and Blossoming to Life’
Take time Now to Appreciate Your Body and Soul
Saturday May 11th 10.00am -5.00pm
Do you need a day off for you? Do you want to be nurtured and experience feeling filled up emotionally and soulfully, giving your body nourishment and wellbeing?
This day retreat meets all your needs, for body, soul and heart! AND it is a great price!
Learn about the Goddess archetypes which can inspire you to be your full potential.
Archetypes can support us to appreciate ourselves, our relationships and can help guide us with life choices.
Dance to the goddess energies to revive your body Express your creativity through art, writing and poetry Come together in connection with ritual to appreciate each member of the group
Share a delicious lunch together cooked for you by a chef, and take time to relax in the beautiful surroundings.
Optional extra sauna and massage
Location, a gorgeous retreat house:
Mountfield, 63 The Drive
Tonbridge, Kent TN92LS
Early bird £175
Concession, low income £155
General price £195

Here’s what Participants said about the Autumn retreat:
‘Facilitation created the necessary psychological safety to fully engage, play and let go enough for new insights to emerge.’
‘Wonderful nurturing of body – masses of delicious food’.
‘If you think you need this workshop retreat, you are absolutely right! Do it and you won’t regret it.’
Thank you for reading this newsletter, do forward it to anyone else you know
who might be interested.
Best wishes, Isabella