Spring is coming!
Do you need a Spring clean? Maybe your house and belongings, maybe your energy, maybeyourbeliefs,yourbodyandyoursoul?
When our system gets sluggish, it is a sign we are restoring unprocessed feelings,inner mind clutter, unmet wishes, stuck creativity, and a lack of movement. Maybe giving and receiving is out of balance too. Maybe we need to refresh and change, however small. Do you recognise this?
We are heading towards the Spring Equinox and will see the light increasing overnight when the clocks change. We are also on the path towards the Resurrection of nature and ourselves. How do we become conscious of this? Looking at the leaves and buds unfolding is an obvious and delightful way. Maybe we can unfurl ourselves and open our
hearts to ourselves and others in the world.

See below for my forthcoming offerings.
Sending warm wishes and thanks for opening the newsletter.
Spring 2024 Programme
Treat yourself to a Nurturing, Creative Retreat to replenish your heart, body and soul.
Saturday April 6th
Creative Soul Journey Mini Afternoon Retreat The Cycles of Life and Creativity
Saturday May 11th
Day Retreat Opening and Blossoming to Life: Beltane Celebration
Discover the Goddess in You
Take time Now to Appreciate Your Body and Soul
October Weekend Retreat
More details to follow

A wonderful group enjoyed the Seeds of Life afternoon workshop on February 3rd, facilitated by guest Patricia Martello, Founder of Vital Development®, Vital Danza®. We dreamed and danced our seeds of new life and wishes. We felt the energy in the room transform during the afternoon.

Creative Soul Journey Mini Afternoon Retreat
April 6th 2024, 2-5.30pm
Take time out to recharge in the warmth of a group.
Move your body to awaken your energy
Create an image
Understand the creative cycles of your inner self and the phase of your life.
Enjoy a tea and cakes together!
Anderida Community Space
Forest Row
East Sussex
RH18 5ES

Creative Soul Journeys® Day Immersion Retreat
Discover the Goddess in You
‘Opening and Blossoming to Life’
Take time Now to Appreciate Your Body and Soul
Saturday May 11th 10.00am -5.00pm
This is going to be a blissful, abundant and juicy day full of everything that Aphrodite appreciates! Would you like to feel like the goddess of Love too?!
Learn about the Goddess archetypes which can inspire you to be your full potential.
Archetypes can support us to appreciate ourselves, our relationships and can help guide us with life choices.
Dance to the goddess energies to revive your body Express your creativity through art, writing and poetry Come together in connection with ritual to appreciate each member of the group
Share a delicious lunch together cooked for you by a chef, and take time to relax in the beautiful surroundings.
Optional extra sauna and massage
Location, a gorgeous retreat house:
Mountfield, 63 The Drive
Tonbridge, Kent TN92LS
Early bird £175
Concession, low income £155
General price £195

Here’s what Participants said about the Autumn retreat:
‘Facilitation created the necessary psychological safety to fully engage, play and let go enough for new insights to emerge.’
‘Wonderful nurturing of body – masses of delicious food’.
‘If you think you need this workshop retreat, you are absolutely right! Do it and you won’t regret it.’
Thank you for reading this newsletter, do forward it to anyone else you know
who might be interested.
Best wishes, Isabella