Creative Soul Journeys® January Newsletter

january news letter header image of a road at sunset

Dear Friends

Happy 2024!

Many people have remarked on how challenging 2023 has been, on a personal level and a world level. We are living in times of struggle, which has the potential to new growth, new ways of being and culturally a new paradigm shift. However, it asks each one of us to enter into our own hero’s/heroine’s journey of initiation and transformation.

The archetypal mythic journey has always involved setting off on a quest, meeting one’s ally to help guide and support us with the obstacles we face, then comes a time of despair, ennui or ‘death’, with the need to rest, or be patient or resilient. Then a moment comes when our psychic flame grows stronger, we receive help or find inner strength to continue the journey, eventually bringing back new life to ourselves and to the community. A rebirth happens in small or bigger ways. We don’t return to our starting place but have evolved and matured.

With this in mind I have developed an online course called ‘The Mythical Journey’ which can be found on my website, where you can be supported on this journey of self discovery.

‘What myth are you living?’ was a famous quote of Joseph Campbell, Mythologist. We may take years to answer this question, but in the meantime we can gain awareness that we are on an archetypal journey as portrayed in myths. How do we maintain steadiness to keep on our path? How do we keep fear at bay and stay awake to negative forces? And continue to have determination to stand for truth and justice?

We are approaching Epiphany on January 6th, celebrated in many countries as the day the three kings paid homage to Jesus and offered their gifts. Epiphany is also the date of the baptism; a new beginning into transformation and the even older festival celebrating Dyonisis, so an auspicious day!

We can also have a sudden moment of inspiration denoted in the word epiphany .

May this new year give you an epiphany! And the year bring individual transformation.

I wish you all an enlivening 2024, finding your gifts and offering them to the world!

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Winter/ Spring 2024 Programme of My Offerings

January 20th Joyous Goddess Within, online

February 3rd 2-5.30pm
Creative Soul Journey Day Retreat
The Seeds of New Life at Imbolc

April 6th-7th
Creative Soul Journey Weekend Retreat
The Phases of a Woman’s Life: Maiden,
Mother & Wise Woman

May 11th
Day Retreat ‘Opening and Blossoming to Life more details soon.

June Creative Soul Journey Experience*
The Heroine’s Journey** more details soon.

Oct Autumn Retreat more details soon.

Treat yourself to a Nurturing, Creative Retreat in 2024
Here’s what Participants said about the Autumn retreat:


‘Facilitation created the necessary psychological safety to fully engage, play and let go enough for new insights to emerge.’

‘Wonderful nurturing of body – masses of delicious food’.

‘If you think you need this workshop retreat, you are absolutely right! Do it and you won’t regret it.’

the joyous goddess within

Joyous Goddess Within

10am-1pm on zoom

On January 20th I will offer another online session of this popular workshop.

Explore who you are as a woman with the help of Greek Goddess Archetypes. Athena, Artemis, Demeter, Hera, Persephone and Aphrodite. They can help you to expand who you are, make new choices, enjoy your body, be less resentful, find new hobbies and enjoy better relationships.

The Seeds of New Life at Imbolc

February 3rd (new time) 2-5.30pm

A nurturing day retreat to unfold our awakening journey. New life beckons, the hard earth lies bare yet the tremendous energy in the seeds creates a new energy, new shoots grow and need to be tended to.
Our chispa or flame can be encouraged to get stronger, the young maiden returns to the upper world and we can protect and welcome her.

Enjoy a creative day through story, artistic processes and movement to music (VitalDanza®)
With a nurturing lunch and supportive sharing group.

the seeds of new life at imbolc
spring 2024 creative soul weekend retreat

Spring 2024 Creative Soul Weekend Retreat

Maiden,Mother and Wise Woman The Phases of a Woman’s Life

April 6th–7th, 2024

• Explore the Feminine phases of your life through the wise Myth of Persephone
• Discover the magical gifts held in each phase and how it relates to you personally
• Gain insight into the mother-daughter wound and how to heal relationships
• Reflect on the transitions from one phase to another and let go of that which does not serve you
• Embody the characters through free movement and discover which ones speaks to you
• Express yourself creatively with art exercises
• Share your experiences in a safe, small group
• Receive delicious lunches to feed your soul
• Feel nurtured and be able to relax in the beautiful surroundings
• A certificate of attendance given on completion
• Understand clients traumas and relationships in a new way

Peredur Centre for the Arts, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 4NF
Accommodation: single rooms are available on site
Alternate accommodation in local B&B’s

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