Dear Friends
We all possess the energies of the masculine and feminine in ourself, however we identify our gender. These qualities exist in us all and can be more or less prominent in different individuals. They can also be described as dominant and receptive, active/passive or focussed/diffuse awareness. When we can access both qualities they enable a full and creative life, conversely if imbalanced can cause suffering and sometimes ill health.
What qualities do you associate with masculine and feminine?
Do you judge one as somehow better than the other?
How do they appear to you? As for what qualities?
How do they come together and form harmony and balance in our psyche and lives?
From the Autumn Equinox, we are in the star sign of Libra and its association with balance. How do we balance giving and receiving, doing and being? The light and dark in us?
Like the famous image of yin and yang.
Below is a description of the feminine, which for many people has been edged out as the dominant masculine qualities of the culture prevail.
When do we let go of the to DO list, the goals, the time pressure, the idea of going forwards and upwards in a linear way. What about the cyclic nature of life? Literally the cycles of the seasons in us…
I know for myself it can be hard to BE, to surrender, to allow things to come towards me without thinking I better go towards it.
Innermost Treasure
The feminine
has slower rhythms,
moves in spirals, turns back on herself,
finds what is meaningful to her.
and plays.
Marion Woodman (Jungian Analyst and BodySoul Movement Founder)
To enliven our body and soul, to nurture our senses and relax and feel deeply held in safety and love, to listen in to the whispers that beckon you on, and to experience the masculine and feminine in movement—all these we can foster to create balance in us.
We will be experiencing this journey on my autumn retreat coming up soon.
In the meantime,
Good wishes for Autumn and the movement towards outer darkness but hopefully inner light!
Isabella x

Last Two Places on Autumn Retreat
Women Who Run With The Wolves:
Listening to Your Hearts Song
October 21st-22nd at Peredur Centre for the Arts in West Sussex

Joyous Goddess Within
10am-1pm on zoom
On November 18th I will offer another online session of this popular workshop.
Explore who you are as a woman with the help of Greek Goddess Archetypes. Athena, Artemis, Demeter, Hera, Persephone and Aphrodite. They can help you to expand who you are, make new choices, enjoy your body, be less resentful, find new hobbies and enjoy better relationships.
Winter Solstice Workshop
From Darkness to Light
21 December, 19:00 – 21:00

Forest Row, 3, The Square, Lewes Rd, Forest Row RH18 5ES, UK
Winter Solstice Journey from Dark to Light
Feel your inner warmth and light as you dance to simple social VitalDanza® exercises
Be festive in community together
Enjoy the ritual of walking the spiral to light your candle and shine your light in the world,
Experience the festive mood in candlelight
Enjoy festive refreshments.
In winter, nature has ‘gone to ground’ there is a spell of enchantment, a sleeping, a waiting and a listening in nature.