Dear Friends
Welcome to My Newsletter at this time of the changing of the clocks and the darkening into winter. At this threshold time, the ancestors are said to come closer, where the wise woman crone Hecate (in Greek Mythology, who now becomes the witch of Halloween) sits at the crossroads of the two worlds. This was originally the eve of Samhain in the Celtic culture, a sacred and significant time, where the Life/Death/Life cycle is acknowledged and honoured. It is a time when the dead are acknowledged (Day of the Dead in Mexico, or All Souls Day and Remembrance Sunday).

It could be a time to acknowledge what your ancestors had to do to live. Is there a particular family ancestor who you feel drawn to, want to know more about or acknowledge for having passed on a skill or quality that appears in your life? Or honour the dead. You could make an offering to them, or light a candle, or listen to what comes to you in dreams or in meditation.
I have just enjoyed running the Autumn Retreat with such a lovely group.
We explored the story Sealskin, Soulskin and how it resonates in our soul. Here is what some participants fedback. And the photos give an inkling to the aspects of the weekend.
So as we enter into darker days, we need to finds ways to keep our energy going to the next transition point of winter solstice. Creative activities can help, as well as movement and rest.
Please see below forthcoming workshops and retreats.
Keep cosy!

Autumn Retreat: Listening to your Heart’s Song
Feedback from Participants:
‘A fantastic weekend of discovery, ideas, creativity and support. So nurturing’.
‘I loved the vehicle of the story, letting it unfold through the different medium, all building throughout the journey, such a creative body-soul journey’.
‘Facilitation created the necessary psychological safety to fully engage, play and let go enough for new insights to emerge.’
‘Wonderful nurturing of body – masses of delicious food’.
‘If you think you need this workshop retreat, you are absolutely right! Do it and you won’t regret it.’
‘If you want to discover the deeper riches from within, this is a safe, creative and beautiful space in which to do so Yum-a-liscious on all levels.’

Joyous Goddess Within
10am-1pm on zoom
On November 18th I will offer another online session of this popular workshop.
Explore who you are as a woman with the help of Greek Goddess Archetypes. Athena, Artemis, Demeter, Hera, Persephone and Aphrodite. They can help you to expand who you are, make new choices, enjoy your body, be less resentful, find new hobbies and enjoy better relationships.
Winter Solstice Workshop
From Darkness to Light
21 December, 19:00 – 21:00
Forest Row, 3, The Square, Lewes Rd, Forest Row RH18 5ES, UK
Winter Solstice Journey from Dark to Light

Feel your inner warmth and light as you dance to simple social VitalDanza® exercises
Be festive in community together
Enjoy the ritual of walking the spiral to light your candle and shine your light in the world,
Experience the festive mood in candlelight
Enjoy festive refreshments.
In winter, nature has ‘gone to ground’ there is a spell of enchantment, a sleeping, a waiting and a listening in nature.
Winter/ Spring 2024 Programme
January 20th Joyous Goddess Within, online
February 3rd 10-4pm
Creative Soul Journey Day Retreat
The Seeds of New Life at Imbolc
April 6th-7th
Creative Soul Journey Weekend Retreat
The Phases of a Woman’s Life: Maiden, Mother & Wise Woman
June 13th – 16th Midsummer Creative Soul Journey Italy
The Heroine’s Journey