New dates coming soon | Location to be announced
Level 1
3 hours
Nurturing Creative Afternoon with Myth, Art and Vital Danza for self discovery.
Register your interest and we’ll contact you with more details.
Time & Location
Dates coming soon
Location to be announced
About the event
Nurturing Creative Afternoon with Myth, Art and Vital Danza for self discovery.
We can sometimes diminish or ignore our achievements and qualities in life, especially having endless goals to reach or comparisons with others. Yet when we stop and harvest the qualities and gifts we have and give, and have gratitude to what we receive, we can be fortified and nurtured. New energy can remind us of the cycles in life, the sowing, the growing, the harvesting and the waning, depicted by Demeter and Ceres, the grain goddesses.
Earlybird £50
Final Release £60