May Newsletter

may newsletter

May Day Abundance to you all!
I have just enjoyed facilitating the wonderful retreat, Phases of a Woman’s Life. The group bonded so well and opened up to safety and support, daring to listen in deeply to themselves. I have included some photos below and participants feedback, maybe next time it can be your turn to give this to yourself. The process rejuvenates us and reconnects us to our truth and to our creative energy. Inspiration arises from the support of the group.

May is always a lush month in nature with the bursting forth of bright green leaves and the delicate pink blossoms, which I love to take into myself! May day has an ancient origin in Roman times, honouring the goddess of flowers Flora. There is a magical quality with echos of past folk customs of the Queen of the May, the Green Man, Beltane rituals, Morris dancing… fertility rituals, and dancing with coloured ribbons around the maypole, weaving its colours and light into an intricate pattern with the creative flow of the dance.
Let’s adorn ourselves and our home with colour and flowers this month and celebrate ourselves and life itself.
Joyful wishes,


Feedback of the Retreat:

“Isabella held a space where it was absolutely safe to dive deeply in self reflection and in participation with the other participants”

“The workshop sparked a life changing kind of magic. It felt like a candle being lit to start a good fire.”

“A true soul journey which invited a depth of emotional engagement with myself which feels like a true transformation”

“The food was delicious”

” sublime”

The Joyous Goddess Within

May 13th 10am-1pm on zoom

Discover the powerful influence of female archetypes on your life. Join me to learn about how female archetypes influence your life and relationships, access the unique qualities of the different female goddesses through movement to music and creative processes. You will understand better your qualities and those of the females in your life. You will experience the other archetypes that you might not be in touch with. You will dance them, make artistic expressions and speak from their perspective.

Register now for Autumn Creative Soul Journey Retreat

Women Who Run With The Wolves:

Listening to Our Hearts Song

October 21st-22nd at Peredur Centre for the Arts in West Sussex

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