March Newsletter – 2023

frozen daffadils

Welcome to March! Daffodils beckoning Spring and getting a snow covering!!
We are facing the unexpected in every way! It takes resilience to meet all life’s and weather’s challenges. Here is a cheery poem about daffodils! (from I wandered lonely as a cloud – William Wordsworth)

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

So dancing can lighten the load and change our mood by increasing endorphins. Why not give it a go in your kitchen, lounge or workplace – put on your favourite track and take a dance break!

In honour of International WOMEN’S DAY!
I would like to share a quote from the philosopher, scholar, and inspirational woman,
Jean Houston. She says of says of women:

“Women have a power, which has not been brought up front, of Regeneration; they were the ones who carried on when the men were killed, or when people were loosing hope, … (and said) ‘I have to be assured that life goes on’… Regeneration.
being assured in a physical, a psychological and a spiritual way of the need to carry on and find a new ways of being and doing that allows us to carry on and grow and to evolve….
… Women are the ones who evoke, empower, inspire and above all make this happen. Evolutions, continuity, life itself is dependent on women and the power and the ‘stick to itness’ of women.”

The call is for women everywhere to ignite and activate their potential as women, and this is what I am offering in my Spring retreat for women to experience, reflect and grow from looking at the phases of their life through the greek myth of Persephone, with creative processes to bring it alive in us, our body and our imagination.

Maybe this is the right time for you to join this sacred retreat and become the Woman with Wise Power to help the future of the planet.

the joyous goddess within

There is another opportunity to join me online for

The Joyous Goddess Within

18th March and May 13th 10am-1pm on zoom
Discover the powerful influence of female archetypes on your life. Join me to learn about how female archetypes influence your life and relationships, access the unique qualities of the different female goddesses through movement to music and creative processes.

maiden,mother & wise woman the phases of a woman’s life

Spring Creative Soul Retreat Maiden,Mother & Wise Woman The Phases of a Woman’s Life

Only two places left now!!

April 22-23rd in East Grinstead, West Sussex

You can book on:

On this deeply nurturing retreat you will:

• Explore the Feminine phases of your life through the wise Myth of Persephone • Discover the magical gifts held in each phase and how it relates to you personally • Gain insight into the mother-daughter wound and how to heal relationships • Refl ect on the transitions from one phase to another and let go of that which does not serve you • Embody the characters through free movement and discover which ones speaks to you • Express yourself creatively with art exercises • Share your experiences in a safe, small group • Receive delicious lunches to feed your soul • Feel nurtured and be able to relax in the beautiful surroundings • A certifi cate of attendance given on completion • PDF handouts on key workshop topics • Accommodation available onsite, which can be booked through me. • Understand clients traumas and relationships in a new way

Concession – £215 Full Price – £250 at Peredur Centre for the Arts, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 4NF Accommodation on site (not included): single rooms with shared bathroom and kitchen £30 pn Alternate accommodation in local B&B’s.

Register now for Autumn Creative Soul Weekend Retreat October 28th-29th in Sussex

Go to my website for more information coming soon.

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