Creative Soul Journeys® April Newsletter 2023

april newsletter 2023

Welcome to Spring!

Eostre was the goddess of Spring to the people of ancient times and she brought new life and light to the world. She has lent her name to what is today one of the most important Christian festivals of the year. **

In ancient myths there is again and again the image of Life followed by Death and Rebirth. New life comes in Spring and the egg is a symbol of that new life. The symbol of water is also connected with Easter and Spring with its renewing and revivifying element.

My Creative Soul Journey Retreats and Workshops explore these deep aspects of our psyche and its connection to the rhythms of nature and the cosmos and its timelessness.

They are a source of renewal for our inner life; new creativity and inspiration can emerge from experiencing the process in a group. I hope to see you again at one of my events.

In meantime I wish you new life vitality at Easter (if you celebrate it) or to enjoy the renewal in all the flowers that are colourful and the new green leaves that are unfolding, lets hope for more sun to warm us and less strife in our lives and in the world.

Joyful wishes,


See below my forthcoming events and bookings can be made at (

maiden,mother & wise woman the phases of a woman’s life

Spring Creative Soul Retreat – LAST CHANCE TO BOOK Bookings close 15th April.

The Phases of a Woman’s Life: Maiden,Mother & Wise Woman

Book Now via my website

We will go through an initiation into the wisdom of the cycle of life and Persephone’s journey to the underworld, her awakening sexuality, the loss and grief her mother Demeter feels, the wise woman Hecate and the catalysts to initiation of Hades and Baubo.

This journey will be witnessed by the group, we will move to music and express ourselves through art and writing and share the nuggets we discover from our body wisdom and the imagination.

A previous participant said “Attending Isabella’s retreat on Persephone was for me a profound experience and the process was held with care; I felt a powerful transformation in my body and mind and surprised myself at enjoying the art painting, it’s had positive repercussions in my life (Anna 2021).”

April 22-23rd in East Grinstead, West Sussex

You can book on:


Concession – £215

Full Price – £250

at Peredur Centre for the Arts, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 4NF

Accommodation on site (not included): single rooms with shared bathroom and kitchen £30 pn one room left!

Alternate accommodation in local B&B’s.

There is another opportunity to join me online for

the joyous goddess within

The Joyous Goddess Within

May 13th 10am-1pm on zoom

Discover the powerful influence of female archetypes on your life. Join me to learn about how female archetypes influence your life and relationships, access the unique qualities of the different female goddesses through movement to music and creative processes.

You will understand better your qualities and those of the females in your life.

You will experience the other archetypes that you might not be in touch with.

You will dance them, make artisitc expressions and speak from their perspective.

Book Now via my website

Register now for Autumn Creative Soul Journey Retreat

Women Who Run With The Wolves

October 28th-29th in Sussex

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