August 1st is the old Celtic festival of Lammas, which celebrated the female principle of the earth; celebrating the fruitfulness of the mother and the first grain harvest. This is personified by the goddess Demeter.
We can take a moment in our busy day to acknowledge ourselves for what we give and receive, sow and reap. It can sometimes be forgotten. I try to do a simple practice of saying at the end of each day: something I am grateful for, something I acknowledge myself for and something for which I acknowledge someone in my life. It can make a subtle difference to the day.
Recently I hosted my second Italy Retreat, which was a real TREAT for all of us who attended. The beautiful environment and delicious food really enhanced the workshop experience, we all felt like the GODDESSES we were embodying!
Check out the lovely images and feedback!
Meanwhile my next Creative Soul Journey® Day Retreat will be sourcing the wisdom and community from the story Skeleton Woman from Women Who Run With The Wolves, which takes place in October.
Soon I will be birthing my new website with workshop offerings and will share details in my September newsletter. It’s been a long time in the making!
Enjoy the holiday season of August!
Warm greetings Isabella
Italy Retreat!
Here is one participants feedback:
‘I’ve just completed my second Italian retreat with Isabella and, make no mistake, the goddess workshop is powerful – it reaches the parts other workshops cannot reach.
But Isabella brings a light touch and we were held by her, the group and the beauty and peace of the Lazio countryside – all of which helped us to process and heal.
Add to this the pool – a welcome cool off in the June heat, which you can occasionally get to yourself – and the al fresco dinners of home grown produce from her in-laws’ orchard, and you have the recipe for a rejuvenating and transformational break. I just wish I’d stayed longer.’
Here are some photos to share the experience.
Afterwards I was lucky and thrilled to visit the Greek temple complex at Paestum, southern Italy where I soaked in the goddess energy there! The temples were dedicated to Athena and Hera, both ones who I had just explored in the workshop!
If you would like to register interest for the 2023 early June retreat please get in touch.
Next Retreat is a Women Who Run With The Wolves Day Retreat
October 15th in Forest Row, East Sussex.
Connect to the bones of your life and the wild feminine within, listen to your hearts song supported through art, VitalDanza® and ritual held in a safe shared group experience.
10am-5.30pm £110-£130 Lunch included.
Book via eventbrite
Contact me for more details at