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Level 2
Full Day
Join for an adventure inspired by the hero/heroine journeys found in many archetypal myths such as Theseus and the Minataur, Odysseus’ journey, and Innana and Persephone’s journey to the underworld.
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Time & Location
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About the event
‘It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure’, – Joseph Campbell
Join ‘Journey into the Labyrinth’ for an adventure inspired by the hero/heroine journeys found in many archetypal myths such as Theseus and the Minataur, Odysseus’ journey, and Innana and Persephone’s journey to the underworld. All over the world we find similar stories and myths arising from very different cultures, with similar themes, journeys or characters. They contain archetypal images and motifs which offer us potential wisdom on our path through life. The hero’s journey is found again and again, what is that journey? It involves a preconscious state and a setting off on a quest into the unknown to meet the fear of the darkness, the monster and trials and tribulations. Will the individual rise to the challenge, will s/he listen to the wise guide who accompanies and helps? Will s/he return from the adventure with increased insight and even a gift to share with the community? Working with the images that these myths bring forth we will discover their resonance in our life. We may ask questions such as, What is the journey of discovery we might need to make in our current life? What fears do we need to face? What area do we wish to mature into? How can we find patience and rest for ourselves? We will discover the treasures that lie within us and how we can bring forth new possibilities for our life. We will explore the seven stages of the hero’s journey and discover how to enrich our life with awareness and return with new creativity. If you wish to open to a new adventure or if you already are on a path of self discovery, then this transformative workshop will support you to understand the stages of the hero/heroine’s journey.
Inspired by the work of Steiner, Jung, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, Vital Development and Anna Halprin. Suitable for people who wish to enquire within and transform aspects of their life and to support creative CPD for therapists to support their and their clients journey.
Be the hero or heroine of your life! What are the changes you wish to make in your life? Inspired by classical myths, we will go on a creative, inner journey of transformation, to bring forth new possibilities for our life. Workshop using the power of myth with art and movement. Transformational workshop inspired by myth and deepened through movement to music and arts. An enriching day to be creative and experience the power of myth as a catalyst for change, with expressive art and movement to music. Find your inner treasures and new possibilities for our life. Shake off old patterns that prevent you being fully vibrant in your life! Many of the challenges we face in life are illustrated in the archetypal myths found in many cultures, such as Ulysses, Theseus and the Minataur, Vasilisa and Persephone’s journey to Hades. The journey that the hero or heroine goes on in the myth can be understood to describe the journey of facing our fears and overcoming them and awakening with renewed wisdom and self knowledge.