Spring is bursting with fresh bright green, and the resurrection of nature. The Goddess of Spring is delicately blossoming in the colourful flowers around us and coming up is May 1st, Beltane (the Celtic festival) celebrating the May Day Queen and Persephone’s flourishing into a sexually mature and fertile woman.
So our dreams of summer will soon be a reality and with it potential holidays. Maybe you would like a mini break to Rome, Italy???
Maybe you want to rejuvenate your energy and creativity?
To take time out for YOU?
Mid Summer Retreat June 23rd-26th 2022
The retreat I am running is an hour outside Rome in the lovely countryside.
It is on the train direct from Rome airport and yet you will feel immersed in another world, one of abundance.
It will be a mixture of learning about archetypes in our lives, and experiencing them creatively through art and dance. Then enough relaxation time by the pool. It is where I am lucky enough to go each summer and I would like to share the divine place with others. We will enjoy delicious home cooked Italian food al fresco.
So if you are ready for an adventure and retreat experience in a small group, get in touch with me with any questions you might have.
Two places available now, maybe one is yours!
Begin your Creative Soul Journey® Now!
See my videos below to whet your appetite.
Check out my video showing the beautiful location for my Italian Retreat! Paradise on Earth. Feast for your Senses!
And also a video taken there of me speaking about the retreat theme.
Sign up for the Special price only for people on my email list: £495 includes course, food and accommodation and transfer. It does not include Flights. (normal price £550)
£100 non refundable deposit to reserve your place.
We will explore the Greek Goddess Archetypes; these are qualities in our personality, some are more present and active than others. We will explore each one and discover how they can support us in our life and access our inner wisdom. With artistic activities and VitalDanza®
Practical Information: Retreat Dates June 23rd – 26th 2022 Thursday afternoon till Sunday lunchtime. Other participants are staying on at the guest house on Sunday night too.
Nerola Italy nr Rome At Il Bagolaro Agriturismo Guesthouse and at Private Residence Il Bagolaro farmhouse www.farmhouseilbagolaro.com Check out their lovely colourful rooms, which are ensuite and have a kitchenette.
Any Questions or to apply for a place please contact me at bellaflorschutz@gmail.com
Next Retreat is a Women Who Run With The Wolves Day Retreat on October 15th in East Sussex. Book now!
Warm wishes, Isabella Florschutz